When the first case of Covid was announced on March 13, 2020, the events industry came to a standstill. It wasn’t until around September when events started coming up, and by the end of 2020, just as January 2021 was approaching, things were looking up. Everything was almost back to normal until the 26th of March 2021, last week Friday, when the president announced that there would be a second lockdown. 

What then do we do? How do you deal with such a crisis? How do you navigate uncertainty? How can we embrace change? 

Leonard Asher, a Leadership and Management Consultant at Empowerment Resource Technologies, will help answer these questions. 

About Leonard

Learnard describes himself as a learner. He maintains an open mind as he believes we all learn something new every day. As a result of the challenges that life presents at every stage, he has developed a philosophy about how to perceive life. “Life is a perpetual journey of solving challenges and these challenges are what make us relevant in our journey through life” With the help of this ideology, Leonard can give his struggles a purpose, which prevents him from being miserable in his work. 

Leonard has learned important life lessons as a result of his struggles. For instance, he was among the lowest paid among his classmates and didn’t get a good job as they did. They both made career advancements, but despite his efforts, he wasn’t progressing as they were. He soon recognized that his situation and the environment around him were not favorable. On the bright side, that created a very tremendous opportunity for him.

The Events Sector

The events sector is full of young, dynamic, ambitious, enterprising men and women. Together, they have a vision and a calling to do what they are doing today. The events business relies on interaction – it is a people business. It is a business where significant investment has been made. The hard effort that went into planning, budgeting, and setting everything up has conspired against the current Covid situation. Many people now feel as though everything they have worked so hard for, including their identity as a business, has been gone. Leonard cautions us, though, that we must set priorities.  In times when suffering is all around us, look at the blessings we have, especially our good health and life. From there, you can fight another day.

What Lessons Can Leonard Share?

  • Epictetus said, “It is not things that trouble us, but our judgements about things.” There is no incorrect or correct interpretation; rather, there are favorable circumstances that you can control and fix and unfavorable circumstances that pose a threat to us and cause fear. There are many emotions evoked by this, and those emotions will determine the course you take and how you act in relation to these circumstances.
  • Many of us have been programmed to believe that life is a walk in the park – you wake up, execute your plan, and get the desired results. However, plans only work well on paper since we have little control over the actual world. You will discover that things don’t go according to plan, even if you have the best plan possible.
  • There is a moment of stillness where everything pauses, either by default or by force. These moments shape who we are and are necessary for success. Due to our tendency to become quiet and isolated, we might not be aware of these moments, but as soon as they produce results, everyone can see them.
  • Some of the statements made at a certain moment do not make sense. Though you might intellectually recognize the statement, you might not comprehend it. You won’t understand the statement’s logic until a specific circumstance takes place. 
  • Desperation disables the mind. It prevents us from thinking creatively and innovatively and from becoming proactive. Your options at these moments will inevitably get worse. Thus, creativity is never found in a stressful environment. 
  • Solutions are not external – you won’t be given a formula or a strategy. Solutions are found from within us. Meet with yourself and think objectively. The solution might require you to give something up or seek assistance.
  • Avoid playing the victim. Some situations and challenges, like the Covid pandemic, arise when we are working, making plans, or just going about our daily lives. We are not the target. As a result, we now need to talk to ourselves to be resilient and imaginative to discover a solution.
  • A crisis is a terrible thing to waste because it gives rise to opportunities. The adversity we find ourselves in that is caused by Covid and the lockdown is an opportunity.
  • In moments of demotivation when we feel deflated, we must become focused and intentional in dealing with our challenges head-on.
  • Prayer is a lifestyle. People who are strong and navigate their commotions, chaos, anarchy and challenges and get to the other side do so by working on both their external resources and their internal resources – their courage and strength from within. They then develop fortitude, resilience and tenacity – resources that no amount of money can buy.